This one-of-a-kind collectible calendar measures 8.5" x 11" and will make you smile... and make you think!
The calendar makes history fun: it opens with a 4 page mini-biography of FDR, which explains how FDR's ability to drive, using hand controls he designed, after he was paralyzed by polio and couldn't walk, affected FDR's life... and changed world history!
The calendar features amazing black-and-white photographs of FDR driving his hand-controlled cars, or being driven in open cars when he was President. You will want to frame some or all of the photos! Each photo has a riddle: Stefan Lonce, the calendar author and designer, hid a image of a vanity license PL8 that says FDR 1932 in each photo, for you to find!
The calendar is a true 13 month calendar, with art and monthly grids for all of 2012, and for January 2013.
Because it is a collectible, Stefan Lonce signed and numbered some of the calendars (like a lithograph!). After February 2013, you will want to save the calendar – it is collectible – and read it again and again. As a unique collectible, we think that the calendar should increase in value over time.
LCNS2ROM will be an 8" x 8" trade paperback book and will have 30 two-page Profiles of motorists who have told GR8 stories on their vanity plates, as well as 2 Prefaces, a Foreword, an Introduction, and 7 chapters: "Free Speech," "Vanitizers," "Love Stories," "Families," "Lifestyles," "Vocations," and "Aspirations." LCNS2ROM will be a humor book, and will include humorous features, such as "Pretend Vanity Plates of Famous People."
The LCNS2ROM "Prototype" – a mockup of how the book will look (which only has 5 profiles), including the front and back covers – is posted on the next page. You have the choice to download all or part of the Prototype to read at your leisure, or you can view our Slideshow on your browser.
Comments and suggestions would be appreciated. Enjoy!
Be sure to click on the ANSWERS TO OUR GAMES AND RIDDLES button on the following page for the answers to the many brain teasers found throughout the book.